Donate to Us
Please support Michael Ekwo Foundation towards the emergence of communities, cities, and cultures that value nonviolence, mutual coexistence, and protection of lives and property
Donating to MEF
makes you feel good
Giving to MEF
strengthens personal values
Supporting MEF
impacts positive social change
Do you share our passion for peace, security, research, and public engagement on critical issues facing Nigeria and Africa? When you give to the Michael Ekwo Foundation you contribute to foundation’s mission of serving as a knowledge center for expanding technical capacity, training, policy research, and analysis on community safety, sustainable public peace, conflict, and crime prevention with meaningful impact on institutions and communities.
Becoming a Sponsor is an opportunity to provide financial support for the Foundation’s unique programs, demonstrate shared values, and join our vision of creating communities, cities, and cultures that value nonviolence; driving change through dialogue; and protecting of lives and property in a rapidly changing world.
We seek sponsors who share our values and believe in making a positive difference in the world through the support and development of bold, forward-thinking leaders in the Security and Peace Studies.
The Foundation seeks to go beyond academic experience of citizens by providing original leadership training that broadens abilities and worldviews. By supporting the Foundation as a sponsor, you play a part helping to develop a new generation of engaged leaders and citizens.
The Foundation plays a unique role bridging academic and applied knowledge through its innovative programs and a growing community of security professionals, peace advocates, intellectuals, business, and thoughtful leaders.
The Foundation’s success grows from its diverse community of leaders from business, higher education, public policy, law, clergy, civil society, journalists, peace and national security experts who bring together a diversity of perspectives, experiences and ways of knowing, while maintaining the highest expectations of excellence.
Giving to the Foundation means supporting a unique experiential approach to leadership and security learning that helps empower citizens to become catalysts for meaningful change.

Donate Online
Make a contribution online now using our secured server.
Donate by phone or email
Phone: 234-703-183-1156
Donate by mail
To make a donation by mail please download this form and send it with your check or credit card information.
Or contact Christiana Keleze (Mrs.),
Marketing and Development Coordinator
Michael Ekwo Foundation,
1M Airport Road Ext. Layout, Emene-Enugu
Enugu State, Nigeria,.
Join the community of family support by making a regular, monthly donation. A donation of any amount helps us ensure we can continue to provide support services for public peace and community safety
Is there a person in your life who has served as an inspiration? A gift to Michael Ekwo Foundation in honor or in memory recognizes that person by helping tackle insecurity in Africa. Chicago area children and families. Tributes can serve as memorials, or mark events and milestones. A gift in honor or in memory includes naming rights to MEF programs, projects, and buildings.
There are many ways to include a charitable gift in your will, trust, or estate plan. Planned gifts such as annuities and trusts may provide you with funds during your lifetime, while also supporting Michael Ekwo Foundation. Such a gift can be structured in a way that does not jeopardize your current financial needs or those of your loved ones. We encourage you to contact your professional advisor to plan a gift that meets your philanthropic goals and expresses your generosity and caring.
A gift of stock (or other appreciated property) entitles you to a tax deduction for the market value of the donated stock (not just the cost basis). If the stock you wish to donate has been held for more than one year, you can avoid capital gains tax on any appreciation of the stock by donating the stock prior to sale. Michael Ekwo Foundation benefits by selling the stock without paying taxes on the gain, and you benefit from making a contribution that would be larger than what you might have been able to otherwise donate
Because they do not incur inheritance taxes, bequests can be the best way to make a planned gift. Click here Click here for more information on how to leave a bequest to Michael Ekwo Foundation.
Insurance policies
When you assign an insurance policy to our endowment fund, there is an immediate tax deduction for premiums, with proceeds deleted from your estate.
Donating some or all of a 401(k) IRA or other qualified retirement plan removes the income tax liability.
Charity Remainder Trust or Charitable Gift Annuity
Our development office can provide you, your attorney, or your financial planner with language for your will and/or other estate planning documents.
Do you or your company have something to share? We have long wish lists. We need communication equipment, security cameras, computers, printers, furniture, art supplies, and more. Your in-kind donation allows us to devote more money to our programs by reducing operating expenses. Have something not listed above to share? We’re interested. Contact us.